The ulama of Islam said that every discreet male or female Muslim, who has reached the age of puberty, ought to know and believe in the as-Sifat adh-Dhatiyya and as Sifat ath-Thubutiyya of allahu ta ala correctly. It is this which is primarily obllegratory (fard) for eberybody. Not to how is not an excuse but a sin. Khalid ibn Ahmad al- Baghdadi wrote this book not to make a show of superiority and knowledge to others or to become famous, but to leave a reminder, a service behind. May allahu ta ala help humble khalid with his power and through his prophet's blessed soul! Amin.
Everything other than allahu ta ala is called the ma-siwa or alam (the creation, the universe), which is called "nature" now. Allah creatures were nonexistent. Allahu ta ala is the one who has created them all. They all are mumkin (that may come into existence out of nonexistence) and hadith (that came into being