Tuesday, September 22, 2009

8. His Sacred Name

On the Seventh day Abdul Muttaleb celebrated his Aqiqa in accordance with the Sunnat-i-Ibrahimi (the precedent established by Hazrat Ibrahim). A tradition reports that Khatna (circumcision) was performed on the same occasion. According to another tradition he (SAW) was naturally circumcised at birth. Abdul Muttaleb held a feast for the Quraish. When the people enquired about the name of the Holy babe (SAW), Abdul Muttaleb said:

"He has been named Muhammad." The people then asked: "why did you name him differently from the other members of your family."

"I want him to earn the praise of Allah in the heaven and

1 Monday according to the Lunar calendar.

2 Friday according to the Lunar calendar


of Allah's people on the earth."

"To affirm his Excellence Allah derived his name from His own Name. The Lord of the Heaven is Mahmud (The Praiseworthy) and the Apostle is Muhammad (The Praised one)." In other words 'Hamd' (the praise) has a special relation with the Apostle (SAW). His position as intercessor is designated as 'Mahmud'. His Islamic Ummat is called 'Hamadun (the Ummat which offers the highest praise and devotion to the Allah Almighty); and the name of his standard is Lawa al Hamd'. All the praise is for Allah and (Seerat Rehmat al Almeen) praise is to be offered often."

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