Tuesday, September 22, 2009


A short while before the Apostle's(SAW) birth, Abbraha, the christian ruler of the Negro Kingdom of Yemen invaded Makkah with 60,000 troops with the object of razing the house of Allah to the ground. But had he brought sixty hundred thousand troops instead of sixty thousand, he would have met the same fate. At a place where a tremendous plan of Allah was at work to bring into being a person who would change the course of would history, whose prophecy,(the advent of which had been in preparation for thousands of years) was the last and the gratest, the mightiest human power would have been shattered by the Mighty Hand of Allah. The Holy Quran describes the end of the Ashab-i-Fill in these words: Have you not seen how your Lord dealt with the people of theElephant? Did He not cause their plan to end in vain? And sent down on them swams of birds, which pelted them with stones of baked clay. Then He rendered them like straw eaten up ( by cattle) Al-Fil:1-5

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